A Lost Daughter – The Father Daughter Bond





As we all know that there is always a special bond shared between a father and his daughter. A father is someone who sets the standard for every other man in his daughter’s life. She looks up to him for everything. He is her hero, her oracle. Here is a short melancholy of emotions to cherish that father-daughter bond. Here a daughter misses the existence of her father in her life. She feels lost after she has lost her father. Now all she wants is to hold his hand again and find her lost world that was once existing in her father’s arms.


Also Read: A tribute to Mother_A Mom will always be a Mom


When our parents are there with us in front of our eyes we sometimes do not understand the value of their existence. We are indulged in our own lives so much so that we forget that they are growing old too and every moment with them is worth living. They sometimes are unable to show us how much they love us and we in our ignorance are unable to understand the abundance of love that their hearts hide. Just imagine the pain they must be going through when we tell them that they do not understand us anymore, while it was because of them that we have understood this world. They never show their children how much pain they are in or what all sacrifices they have done for them to give them a beautiful life. We only know the value of their care once they are no more with us. We miss the love and care that only they had for us and nobody else in this whole world can love us with so much purity that they do. 


Read through the lines and feel the emotions that a lost daughter is going through after losing her dad and the pain that her father felt while he was alive.


“I know his eyes were wet

When she said he doesn’t understand her anymore…


And she was upset that he didn’t answer…

Because I know his voice was choked with emotions.


And when she left,

I know tears poured like rain from his eyes…


Because of all that he could think of at that moment,

were the little fingers that he had held a long while ago…

and the little girl who used to find her home in her father’s arms…


And I know how much that day he was hurt…

searching for her long-lost daughter who used to be his world…

but never showed how deeply her words pierced through his heart.


And today now that she has realized what she has lost…

All she wants to say is that- 

“Nobody loves me more than you do Dad.”

Today all that she wishes for is to hear his voice once again…

and hold his hand to find her long lost home in her father’s arms.”


-A Lost Daughter


I wish that we never get departed from our loved ones and cherish their love forever. Value your parents for they are the living Gods on earth. Worship them first before you head towards the altars. I hope that this poem must have touched your heart and finds a place in there. Cherish the bond that you have with your parents. Because you will miss living those moments with them again.


Every daughter reading this and every father reading this, I hope that it strengthens the father-daughter bond. I can closely relate to the beautiful father-daughter bond as I have been blessed with the best father of this world. Thank you Dad for making all the sacrifices, taking all the chances, and grooming me into the person that I am today. Love you Dad. ♥



Wish you all health and happiness.



Garima Dixit




miss you dad




I wish that we never get departed from our loved ones and cherish their love forever. Value your parents for they are the living Gods on earth. Worship them first before you head towards the altars. I hope that this poem must have touched your heart and finds a place in there. Cherish the bond that you have with your parents. Because you will miss living those moments with them again.


Every daughter reading this and every father reading this, I hope that it strengthens the father daughter bond. I can closely relate to the beautiful father daughter bond as I have been blessed with the best father of this world. Thank you Dad for making all the sacrifices, taking all the chances and grooming me into a person that I am today. Love you Dad. ♥



Wish you all health and happiness.



Garima Dixit


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